General legal warning

General information

Website owner. Domain name, is registred by Garlant Four, SL, with CIF number B65721193 and address in Molí Nou, 11, 08790-Gelida (BARCELONA). Contact telephone +34 93 803 14 58 and e-mail

Terms of use

1.- By means of these conditions of use, Garlant Four, SL regulates access to this website, and the availability of the information found on it, by its clients and other Internet users.

2.- By the simple fact of using this website, the user confirms his/her acceptance of these conditions of use.

3.- The use of this website and the information it contains is, in principle, free of charge, without prejudice to the fact that this circumstance may change. In this case, Garlant Four, SL pledges to publish the new conditions of use on the website as soon as possible.

4.- The user pledges not to use the website or its information to undertake any activities which are illegal, immoral or contrary to public order, and as a general rules pledges to use the contents in accordance with these conditions of use. Both these factors - access and information - are the sole responsibility of the person involved, and Garlant Four, SL cannot be held responsible for any damages which may derive from this access or use of the information which are beyond its control.

5.- Garlant Four, SL cannot be held responsible for any errors in accessing the website or its content and has made every effort to ensure that these errors do not occur.

Garlant Four, SL reserves the right to temporarily suspend access to its web pages without any prior notice if it needs to carry out operations to maintain, repair, update or improve the site.

6.- All the contents of the website (including, but not restricted to, databases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, audio, video and software) are the property of Garlant Four, SL and are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property laws.

The trademarks, emblems, distinctive signs and logos of Garlant Four, SL that appear on the website are the property of Garlant Four, SL The same conditions apply to the domain name

None of the texts, drawings, graphics, video or audio supports that belong to Garlant Four, SL may be subsequently modified, copied, altered, reproduced, adapted or translated by the User or third parties without the express authorisation of Garlant Four, SL, unless expressly indicated to the contrary.

The unauthorised use of the information on this website, as well as infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights, will result in the relevant legal action being taken.

7.- The establishment of any kind of hyperlink from a different website to any of the pages on the Garlant Four, SL website will be subject to the following conditions:

  • The partial or total reproduction of any of the services featured on the Garlant Four, SL website is prohibited.
  • No deep-links may be established with the Garlant Four, SL website or its services, nor may a browser or border environment be created around the site content.
  • No false, inexact or incorrect information may be included concerning the pages on the Garlant Four, SL website and its services. Most importantly, apart from the signs that form part of the hyperlink to the Garlant Four, SL website, it may not contain any trademark, commercial name, establishment emblem, designation, logo, slogan or other distinctive sign that belong to Garlant Four, SL
  • Garlant Four, SL will not be responsible under any circumstances for the contents or services made available to the general public on the website featuring the hyperlink, nor any information or statements which appear on that website.
  • Any hyperlink to the Garlant Four, SL website must appear on the site's homepage.

8.- Privacy and Data Protection Policy

  • A. Right to Information
    This data protection policy regulates access to and the use of the services on the website www.garlant.esas well as any other websites that Garlant Four, SL makes available to Internet users who may be interested in its services and contents.
    In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December 1999 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), Garlant Four, SL, the owner of the website, informs the user of this site of the existence of a database containing personal data set up by Garlant Four, SL, for which it is responsible.
  • B. Purpose
    The details of users recorded in the forms provided for this purpose on the website are collated by Garlant Four, SL with the aim of facilitating the services which Garlant Four, SL provides through its website.
  • C. The obligatory or optional nature of information provided by users and its veracity
    The fields marked with an asterisk (*) in the registration form to be completed by the user are essential to be able to deal with your request, while the information requested in the other fields is of an optional nature.
    The user guarantees that the personal details given to Garlant Four, SL are accurate and assumes responsibility for notifying the company of any changes.
  • D. User's consent
    By sending his/her personal details in the electronic forms provided by Garlant Four, SL or, where applicable, by e-mail messages, the sender expressly consents to the automated processing of his/her data and for them to be used for the provision of the services and products featured on the websites belonging to Garlant Four, SL, as well as for e-mails to be sent to him/her containing information relating to Garlant Four, SL and its initiatives.
  • E. Newsletter and e-communications
    Garlant Four, SL may offer a newsletter service to users who have previously given their authorisation on the registration form set up for this purpose. This newsletter will feature the latest news, new products and most important information from the website. The user may deregister or modify his/her subscription details for this newsletter by using the interactive form on the website.
    Garlant Four, SL also informs users that it will send commercial communications by electronic media containing information on other products, services and events which may be of interest to users of its website when specifically asked to do so. This consent may be revoked at any time by the user.
  • F. Security
    Garlant Four, SL observes data protection security standards in compliance with Royal Decree 994/1999 of 11 June 1999 relating to security measures for automated files containing personal data, and has established all the technical measures within its remit to avoid the loss, improper use, alteration, unauthorized access or robbery of the details provided by users via its website, without prejudice to informing the user that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.
    Garlant Four, SL pledges to observe complete confidentiality with regard to the personal data in its automated database, in compliance with applicable legislation, and also to process these data securely in any international data transfers which may occur, if applicable.
  • G. Cookies and IPs
    The user accepts the use of IP cookies whose use enables Garlant Four, SL to gather data for statistical purposes, such as: date of first visit to site, number of visits, date of most recent visit, URL and domain name from which the site was accessed, explorer used, and screen resolution. However, if users prefer, they can disable and/or eliminate these cookies by following their Internet browser's instructions.
  • H. Spamming
    Garlant Four, SL does not use spamming techniques and will only process the data provided by the user on the electronic forms set up on this website or from e-mail messages.
    The treatment of personal data and sending commercial communications by electronic means comply with Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December 1999 on the Protection of Personal Data (B.O.E. of 14 December 1999) and Law 34/2002 of 11 July 2002 on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (B.O.E. of 12 July 2002).
  • I. The Right to Oppose, Rectify and Update Data
    The user has the right to access this information, rectify it if the details are incorrect, or deregister from the services of Garlant Four, SL
    These rights can be exercised by means of configuring the website itself. If you have any problems doing this online, or should you have any other queries or concerns about our data privacy policy, you can send an e-mail to: info@garlant.esor write to Molí Nou, 11, 08790-Gelida (BARCELONA).

9.- The conditions of use of this website are indefinite. Garlant Four, SL reserves the unilateral right to modify the conditions for accessing the site, as well as the contents of the site and the conditions of use of its free host service for articles, which are included in this document.

10.- These conditions of use and the provision of the services of this website are governed by Spanish law. All parties expressly relinquish any other jurisdiction they may be entitled to and agree to submit themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of (BARCELONA).


Garlant Four, SL is the owner of all intellectual property rights over the design, source code and content of the website
The company Garlant Four, SL , is the owner of the Industrial Property rights relating to its products and services, specifically with regard to registered trademarks.

Garlant Four, SL All rights reserved (2013)